Grant Support

ACRE Grants

Before engaging with any grant writers or consultants, there are a couple of preliminary steps to help you determine if you are ready to pursue a grant opportunity. Remember, the grant should be the tool to help you accomplish your goals, not the end goal.

Value-Added Producer Grants

The Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) program helps agricultural producers enter value-added activities to generate new products, create and expand marketing opportunities, and increase producer income.

What You Need to Know

Grant and matching funds can be used for planning activities or for working capital expenses related to producing and marketing a value-added agricultural product.


We provide technical assistance to cooperatives, mutually-owned businesses, and other small business within multiple industries, but with a strong focus on agricultural businesses.

Attendees of the Acre Program receive training in marketing, financial planning, value-added processes, legal requirements, state and federal grant opportunities, and more.

Feeding Innovation is designed to support entrepreneurs interested in developing or expanding healthy food businesses in food deserts or underserved areas of the state.

This Program helps our state’s new farmers development of their farm businesses by providing innovative research-based agribusiness education, administering technical assistance, and more.